Items list

Feleskouras Agisilaos
Special nephrologist
- Tel .: 2610274 132, cell : 6938616921
- Mail: agis_fel@mail.gr
- 1/5/1981 - 20/6/1981: university per stranieri, perugia, italy
- 15/9/1981 - 15/1/1983: universita di medicene d 'abruzzo, chieti, italy
- 10/12/1982: successful examinations in the aristotle university of thessaloniki
For foreign students
- 12/3/1983 - 15/11/1989: medical department of university of patras
- 2/11/1989: diploma acquisitio
- 14/10/1991 - 28/10/1992: doctor in the regional shinousa medical center (small cyclades), in cooperation with the health center of naxos and In G. H. of Syros
Medical specialty
- 8/1/1993 - 17/1/1995: two years of specialty of pathology in gen.hospital of Patras "Saint Andrew"
- 10/2/1995 - 10/2/1999: four years of specialty of nephrology in G.H. of Patras "Saint Andrew"
- 10/4/1999: Medical examinations of nephrology
- 7/5/1999: Title of medicine specialties of nephrology
Experience of specialized nephrology
- 23/3/2000 - 14/7/2005: experience of specialty of nephrology as Nephrologist in gn patras "Agios Andreas"
- July 2005 resolution acceptable 9/2005.
- September 2005-today scientific director of olympion dialysis unit at olympion therapeftirion
- Scientific announcements in congresses
- Scientific announcements
- Book writing
- Research study protocol
- Participation in scientific research companies
- Participation in conferences
- Greek, Italian
Clinical experience from 2005 to today
Since 2005 i started organizing and managing olympion dialysis unit in patras, which operates till today under my direction, with 60 permanent patients in chronic hemodialysis. At the same time, i organized an emergency clinic for olympion clinic in accordance with international standards, where at least 700 emergency dialysis sessions have been carried out so far by interrnal unit, surgery and especially icu patients.
The nephrology clinic was established for both outpatient and inpatient follow-ups, as well as 24-hour nephrological supervision of all clinic departments (internal unit, surgery, icu, gynecology and rehabilitation center).